Our WOW Story
"We serve women and women are relational." - April Ban | Clinical Director
Women of Worth was started in Springfield, TN by a mother and daughter who did jail ministry. They kept hearing about the needs of the women when they were released, and the need for a home where they could experience restoration.
A few years later WOW was moved to Nashville, TN under the direction of Jeaneice Shearon who had been an active volunteer at the Tennessee Prison for Women. In April 2020, Kristy Pomeroy took on the role of Executive Director, and led WOW into a new season. Soon after, WOW became a Tennessee Department of Correction's approved program for women leaving prison who are on parole.

Compared to the state's recidivism rate of 84%,
WOW maintains a recidivism rate
of less than 15% thanks to:
Mental Health Services – The vast majority of our women suffer from anxiety, depression, and PTSD. WOW provides trauma-informed mental health counseling so women can stop numbing the pain with substance misuse and use healthy coping skills. A goal in our strategic plan is to enhancing Mental Health and Recovery Services to cater to the holistic needs of participants.
Physical Health Services - Many women have relied on the prison system for all health and dental care. We refer them to a community clinic upon arrival and sign them up for TennCare (if appropriate) or access their employer’s insurance so they can manage their physical health.
Employment Partners –WOW partners with local businesses so residents can find a job within the first 14 days of move-in, giving them work history and experience improving their chance at independence upon graduation.
Nonprofit Partners - We collaborate with various community nonprofits to address and provide clothing, food, mental health needs, and even eye glasses.
Program Design – Living together or in community provides the women with powerful peer support and accountability. Each resident pays weekly program fees and creates a budget to assist them with financial management while in the program.
Staff – Executive Director is a Licensed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor and has more than 28 years of experience with this population. The other four staff have 44 years of combined experience in this field.
Growth - In 2020, WOW operated one home with 4 beds. Today, WOW runs three homes with 16 beds.
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